Friday, February 17, 2012

Bad Ideas, Day 2: The Negative Ion Gun!

He'll save every one of us!...

So, on a kick from my last posting, I'd like to continue the trend by offering another weird idea to the Wild Wild Webs as to how to unprovedly protect against/magnify the powers of ghostly happenings. Now, as far as my dumbed down version of the theory goes, paranormal activity is also accompanied by a positive ionic field of varying levels. Putting aside the very important point of whether "ionic fields" are actually bullsh-t or not,let's pretend that they aren't. According to current ionic theory, positive ions are, as they say in the academic community, "hella bad" for you, causing anything from general feelings of malaise and depression on up to suicidal ideation and actions or even death (though supposedly only in massive, theoretical or apocryphal amounts), while negative ions do good things, like lighten one's mood and sterilize the immediate environment. And while I could geek out and use positive ions as a link to the old tales of ghosts causing people to despair, age, or die due to "fright", that's not the point of this post. Let's talk tech-y (get it? Cause it's like "let's talk turkey", but with "tech-y"...fine, whatever).

My new idea kinda came to me as I was researching negative ion generators, with the intent of placing one in a hairdryer and using it as a "Negative Ion Projector", to counteract any dastardly positive ions I may come across during my adventures. Well, while I found negative ion schematics online, I also found that there is a thriving market on ionic hairdryers already...and I'm not too big a man to admit that finding this out sorta killed my enthusiasm to build one (as I said in the intro to this blog, I am a self-admitted hipster). So while I was closing all my open tabs in a positively forlorn manner, I found this little gem. I think that this picture could say more than I ever could...

On second thought, maybe not. Basically, this guy provided schematics to create a show-based static shocker to shock his friends. However, what I see is a personal negative ion field generator, and one that could be used as a potential shield against the negative effects of the potential positive ions associated with different forms of paranormal occurences...or maybe this is just me geeking out and trying to go all James Bond, Ghost Hunter. Of course, being that I have no real background in electronics, I have no idea what would happen if a positive ionic field happened to make contact with a negatively charged object like this, or if you'd even want to be in the same time zone when it happened...


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