Monday, December 19, 2011

Introductions, Of Course

An Omen Most Dire...My name is --------, and I'm a self-described hipster. I'm an arrogant elitist who looks down on strangers and passes judgment quicker than most would pass the salt. I only listen to certain types of music and get turned off by bands once they become mainstream. I'm an Apple user. I have a guitar that I don't know how to play proudly displayed in my living room. I am a snobby drinker, compulsively shop at thrift stores, and voraciously read books on men's fashion. In other words, the best example of a douchebag one could really ask for. However, thanks to a relatively unusual night of Craigslist hunting, I've applied to become a member of a paranormal research group. So, this blog is going to be a running journal of what my experiences are, both in pursuing the mysterious and interacting with those others who've decided to chase them. Oh, of course names will be changed to protect the innocent and all that jazz.

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