Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Nightmare Fuel, Part 3

the eye of the beholder is not the place to be, if you're a D&D aficionado...

 So, you just heard some of the wild stories I had a chance to hear the other day. If nothing else, that experience led me to remember something that I had known once upon a time, but apparently had forgotten in amongst the day to day grind of things...virtually everyone has had something inexplicable happen to them. And we're not talking just ghosts could a pre-cognizant dream, a sound they can't place, tracks they don't recognize, a coincidence just a shade past what anyone else could consider chance, all of these are things that in all probability, Joe Q. Schmoe has probably experienced at least one of. 

Which in my mind is both thrilling and a little frightening to be trusted with, because most people I know do their best to try and keep those moments of wonder as close and as safe as they possibly can, exempt from the pervasive banality of the world at large; I mean, really, doesn't everyone want to be special, or feel like there's -something- out there that can't be explained? But the position I'm taking on is actively looking to both document and (if obviously proven as explicable by other means) debunk odd phenomena as they happen, putting me in the unusual position of both protecting and extinguishing these motes of wonder. And one has to ask, if you lose all sense of wonder, what else is left? The way I see it, you're left with living in hollow terms, where every action has a well-documented reaction, and nothing is left to surprise you but the depths people will go to try and seek that visceral feeling of uncertainty. Would I be able to live with myself knowing that I could condemn others to a fate like that? I can't answer that yet...but I'm sure it will come in time.

But maybe that's why I decided to do this "out of boredom". Because, really, I could've done any number of things...taken up a weird hobby, tried to plow through the mounting pile of books at my house, finally learned to cook (LIKE A BOSS), etc. But I've made my displeasure with my mounting cynicism known to my close friends, and maybe I'm seeking out these "sparks" to fan my own "flame", so to speak. Or maybe I just have some unresolved Doctor Who issues that I need to work out, who knows.

So, like me, believe the stories you may read here or not, it doesn't pay me one bit of nevermind. But for your own sake, find something to believe in that hasn't already been documented to death. Maybe if you're lucky, it will come easy. If you're like me, you may have a ways to go, but at least you'll get some good stories along the way :)

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