Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Nightmare Fuel, Part 2

Continued from yesterday, to be concluded tomorrow...

-Different guy this time. He claimed to have occurrences of uncanny precognition at odd times, including once when he was five at church. This specific incident involved him walking past an elderly person seated next to the pastor and quietly saying "I'm sorry that you're going to die of a heart attack soon." Indeed, the person died of a heart attack that day or shortly thereafter (that point, while known by the teller of the incident, is somewhat lost in my mind [did I mention beer was involved]), and he wasn't allowed to go to that church anymore after that...I dunno. I personally have precognitive dreams (the architecture of which being the main thing that I remember, so that I can navigate buildings I've never even seen before as if I'd been on the construction crew for them), and know that the feeling of deja vu is quite a common occurrence, though me and this gentleman had a long talk over the differences between precognition and simple deja vu. I think precognition is possible to a limited extent, and while the instance he talked about was incredibly specific, I suppose it's possible. Five out of ten.

-Same guy. "So," he said, "you want to research ghosts and spirits? Well", he continued with a small grin, "go to -blah blah- (again, the specifics evade me) graveyard in Washougal with a tape recorder and just walk around asking yourself questions, then listen to the tape afterwards. I did it once, and I'll never set foot in there again"...possible. I've heard of EVP phenomenon and while I've never watched Paranormal Activity (though funny story, have a friend who did shortly after both a move into a new house and his first child was born, and who also happened to have set up a baby monitor that same night prior to watching Paranormal Activity in the dark, and he swears that it was unknowingly one of the scariest things he's ever put himself through...but at least from now on I have a great idea for a good combo gift to give people throwing baby showers :P), and while I've never had occasion to experience it, I wouldn't mind giving this graveyard tour a try. As far as conceptually, I suppose that -if- spirits are simply a different form of energy that doesn't dissipate after death and -if- that form of energy retains the ability to communicate, then sure, why not this way? Though even with that admission and open-mindedness, I can't help but feel like the most vocal proponents of this method would get along well with the guys who listen to Beatles records backwards to try and hear hidden messages in them. Five out of ten.

-Lastly, the elder brother and other guy (not the other brother). Apparently, while elder brother was staying over at other dude's house, he saw a cookie sheet pick itself up from the dishwasher and slam itself into the sink; the other guy can only attest to the loud bang and the fact that his cookie sheet was inexplicably in his sink (though he didn't see the invisible placement of it). In another situation, the brother was sleeping in the same room as the other guy, and out of nowhere felt (and heard) a large SLAM next to his head in the dark, as if someone punched the ground next to him with full force. Again, other guy heard it and then immediately fell asleep, but didn't see it, while the elder brother sat paralyzed with terror in the dark...hmm, a poltergeist. No reports of it before the elder brother started to stay with him, but the other guy's grandfather passed not long before the incidents as well. And while there's some controversy surrounding the true explanation for what poltergeists are (whether they're restless spirits or mental projections of uniquely psychic individuals), there are widespread reports of them. I give this a six out of ten.

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