Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Boggarts of Beaverton

...but God I'd love to meet his tailor.

 Aoo! Somehow it doesn't have the same ring to it as the song I was hoping to emulate does. Oh, and if you mention Kid Rock, then you're dead to me.

ANYways, onto haunted spots of Beaverton! On a cursory search, this is what I've come up with thus far...(all taken from the Shadowlands directory online, which is spotty at best from what I've heard)

  • Shiloh Inn - The upstairs sports den and Canyon room are rumored to be haunted. Many employees and guests report here footsteps and a conversation between a man and women but upon further investigation no one is ever there. On occasion things will be moved about on their own, cups, chairs, ect. 
  • Valley Theatre - This old discount theatre has had strange poltergist activity for years. In 1994 during renovation work crews were "persued" by a ominous creature that liked to play evil pranks and stalk the workers. Several workers quit due to the strange happenings around them and refused to come back to the location. And to this day strange occurances still happen to workers and visitors at this old theatre. 
  • Westgate Cinema - A shadowy figure has been reported lurking in the upstairs projector room that was formerly a living quarters. When chased, the shadowy figure vanishes down a hallway that leads to double-doors that never opened.

So, two theaters and an inn, huh? The first sounds poltergeist-ish, the second sounds almost Fay-like (unseelie) from its description, and the third sounds like some shade or wraith or something. Of course, that's assuming these buildings are even still wonders what could go down in a commercial building like these to cause such activity from then on, and if there really was a great deal of activity, with it being commercial, why would it never gain more scrutiny? Meh, I dunno, but here's hoping I have the time and means to check some of this out soon, I'm getting the itch to actually check some of this out...

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