Monday, January 9, 2012

Parsimonious Blues

Who knows what lies in the hearts of men? The Shadow(s) know...

So, for this week I figured we could start talking turkey about one of the bigger topics in the paranormal investigation field, the classification of ghosts. Or, as I see it, the lack of classification. See, it seems like every story is just a jumble of experiences all thrown together in such a way that is supposed to make each ghost seem unique, like it's the only one of its kind in the world. Bee Ess. If one is truly trying to prove the existence of ghosts as a scientific fact (like most good little "believers" purport to), then lets start treating them as a real, testable scientific phenomena, such as light or sound. Let's actually construct a working hypothesis rather than trying to make the hypothesis some vague, untestable, nebulous crap that never really gets accepted in the wider body of literature.


What does that mean for us, then? Well, all this week we're going to ask a bunch of questions. From the next week on, I'll occasionally splash a little science article or finding in here and there, and what the ramifications of such a development could mean to paranormal investigations as a whole. Sound good? Cool, lets begin.

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