Monday, January 2, 2012

New Jack City

Better this than spring-heeled, wouldn't you say?

I always considered the jacks in a deck of cards to be the most fun. As in, on those occasions where I put on my "betting man" hat, I usually support hands with jacks much longer than is considered to be safe or sane. But hey, everyone's got their quirks, I also do the same with pocket deuces, putting myself over my head into all-ins that require a miracle by the river lest I get washed out to sea...but enough of the poker poetry, this is a paranormalists blog, let's get to the weirdness already, right?

Well, no, actually. It's -my- blog, and while I do my best to stay on point, I figure it's worth a bit of time to just riff and let you see a bit more of your narrator other than through the random scraps of legends that he serves up every weekday. For today's entry, that's going to take the form of me talking about New Years and what it meant for me.

I moved away from my hometown about a year and a halfish ago, and thus far, haven't had the opportunity to go back. It was a self-imposed move, as I felt I could learn and grow and even become a little bit more like the people I truly looked up to and respected by taking myself out of my comfort zone and inserting myself somewhere that had no safety net to fall back on. And sure enough, it's made me grow. In most ways it's beneficial, but in a few, it is in what I'd consider a detrimental way. Those few bits of detrimental development are hard to shake when you're constantly immersed in the situation you've constructed for yourself, and it can make even the smallest changes take place at a virtually glacial pace. So there are times I look back at my old life, with my robust social network and support and resources, and I get at least a little bit jealous of the "old me".

Well, while I haven't been able to go back yet (mostly for fiscal reasons since I'm the only one taking care of me up here, and I want to make sure I am -well- squared away before I traipse back to my old stomping grounds), I did get exceedingly lucky with having two of my good friends stop down to visit just before New Years. Ben and Laura, as they are called by the community at large, used to be my roommates and are two of the sweetest people I've ever met. I actually, believe it or not, got to be the presiding religious figure at their wedding (sort of, not-really-long story that I don't feel like getting into here). Anyways, Ben is one of my personal heroes and Laura is one of the most successful academicalish people that I know, and they were here for a bit.

And it awakened a bit of the "old me". Seeing how happy they were to see me, how much they missed me, and how easily we picked back up again from where we left off spiritually rejuvenated me, and the timing was absolutely perfect, making this New Years a happier holiday for me than even Christmas was. And it allowed me to take an objective inventory of myself and what I wanted out of life.

So, to Ben and Laura, you guys are amazing, and I hope you know that even just seeing you for a day made/will make (depending if you consider New Years more of a closing or opening ceremony) my entire year better, and to the readers, I hope you all can find a way to refresh yourselves as does the spirit a world of good.

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