Monday, January 23, 2012

Lord and Master

Not to be confused with that absolutely terrible Bill Cosby movie, Leonard Pt. 6...

Hey guys, quick heads up...while i really want to continue this amazingly prolific streak that I've kept going over the last five weeks, I feel like I need to pull it back a bit, so I'm going to reduce my output to only three a week rather than five. Hopefully that won't break too many hearts, but I'm thinking it's either this or risking burnout between this and "real life". 

Anyways, this entry is going to talk about an odd demon commonly known as Master Leonard, pictured on the right. Master Leonard, while being a demon of relatively little reknown in popular culture is supposedly one of the more influential demons in all of Hell. Specifically, he is the chief-master of ceremonies for all orgies, sabbaths, and black celebrations. In addition, he is the strongest sorcerer of all demonkind, leading to his being worshipped by practitioners of the black arts. His appearance is that of a man with three goat horns coming out of his head, a black face, and very "goatish" features overall. His overall demeanor is apparently very withdrawn and depressed, until a gathering occurs, at which point he becomes incredibly charismatic and outgoing. Outside of that, he specializes in transformation and shapeshifting into a variety of forms, which is fully in line with his capricious and tempestuous nature. As to any historically/religiously memetic reasons for his existence, it is postulated that he is the personification of one of the goats spoken of in Leviticus 16:8.

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