Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Hipster Crystal Guide: The Harmonizers

C'mon, I know I didn't say "emerald" but still, you mean to say that this wasn't the first thing you though of...

 So, hopefully you feel refreshed after your quick celery break. That said, for day two of Crystal Week, we're going to focus on three stones that primarily deal with the properties of healing and purification. Before that though, a warning: I know crystals and vibrations and New Agey stuff isn't for everyone. That said, I feel this is just as viable a topic to cover as any of the other things I've talked about; I mean, once you're in psuedoscience at all, it really is the final frontier, so in for a penny, in for a pound.

Supposedly, crystals are supposed to have specific vibrational properties that allow them to align and manipulate other vibrations, such as in living beings by affecting their chakra flows and auras. As the logic goes, in the spirit-based world crystals have vast powers since it is theorized by practitioners of the Crystal Way (I don't actually know what it's called, I'm just going to call it that) that most effects that we experience are composed of these same vibrations. One could liken the crystals to fans, and spirits as smoke...being that we are tangible beings, we can feel the effect of the crystals by being near us, but since spirits lack tangibility, the crystals affect them much more. Or at least, that's how my grossly-over simplified analogy will stand, anyways.

Also, as a final note before we get onto the stones, all descriptions are paraphrased from The Crystal Bible, by Judy Hall. That said, let's present them, shall we?

Turquoise-A pretty common gemstone, turquoise is a great healing stone, both in body and spirit. It's been regarded as a protective stone by different civilizations, and is also useful in opening one up for communication with "spirit worlds". It also supposedly had a decent purification effect for "electromagnetic smog" and negative energy.

Angelite-A newish stone (at least to me, I'd never heard of it until researching all of this), Angelite is supposedly a stone of openness and peace. It primarily increases the user's awareness and perception, and helps attune them to other beings' fields. This allows other healing effects to be made much more powerful. It also is a strong bringer of positive energy, in addition to fostering truth and compassion.

Black Tourmaline (Schorl)-This bad boy was, without a doubt, the strongest of the purifying stones in the book. It's absolutely great at cleansing, purifying, and protecting against almost anything you can toss at it, including (and this is a somewhat rare claim for crystals) protection against psychic and spell attacks. Go figure. It also is supposed to promote healing and understanding.

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