Thursday, January 19, 2012

Hipster Crystal Guide: The Exciters

Woah oh, Amber is the color of your energy...

Okay pilgrims, last set of three, then onto a creature profile to finish out the week. This set are the wildcards, the ones that mainly just stir things up both for forces within and without the their owners. And unlike the last few days, no introductory messing around, we're gonna just get right down to it :)

Merlinite-I'm assuming that you probably already caught it from the stone's somewhat heavy-on-the-foreshadowing name, but this crystal is -all- about magic in all forms, including shamanistic, priestly, and alchemical sorts. It is supposed to boost any occurrences around it, for better or for ill.

Staurolite-The Fairy Cross! This is a very lucky stone, bringing not only protection and improving communication, it is also supposed to enhance white magic. Not that I plan to be learning anything in that way anytime soon, but my simplified reasoning is thus: if "black magic" is the bad stuff, then it stands to reason that the opposed color magic, "white magic", must be at the very least "not bad". And yes, I'm aware that's probably one of the more asinine statements I could make regarding logic, magic, or paranormal things in general, but hey, who's the one behind the keyboard?

Nebula Stone-Apparently, this one is the ultimate wildcard, as it's too new for anyone to know what it's capable of. Supposedly it is a stone of unification and oneness, allowing for profoundly extensive healing but also is supposed to allow you to "connect with infinity", whatever the hell that means. If nothing else, it is also the most uniformly expensive out of all the stones I researched.

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